Lena Zavaroni was born on November 4, 1963.
No unfortunately Lena Zavaroni died from a long term case of anorexia and whilst in hospital getting treatment she also caught pneumonia and that also contributed to her death.
The only webs address of a Lena Zavaroni fan club you would be able to sign into would be Debs Baker's I'm afraid, but don't worry this is the best on the website, don't go to any others they are pretty lame!!!!
Lena Blackburn's birth name is Lena Kleine-Wieskamp.
Lena Kleine is 5' 7".
Lena Zavaroni's birth name is Lena Hilda Zavaroni.
Lena Zavaroni was born on November 4, 1963.
Lena Zavaroni is 4' 10 1/2".
Lena Zavaroni was born on November 4, 1963.
No unfortunately Lena Zavaroni died from a long term case of anorexia and whilst in hospital getting treatment she also caught pneumonia and that also contributed to her death.
Lena Zavaroni was born on November 4, 1963 and died on October 1, 1999. Lena Zavaroni would have been 35 years old at the time of death or 51 years old today.
Someday, I hope a movie is made about her life. Lena Zavaroni was brilliant, she should never be forgotten.
Lean Zavaroni was a child singer from Scotland. Some of the albums that Lena Zavaroni has recorded include Ma! (He's Making Eyes At Me), If My Friends Could See Me Now, and Hold Tight, It's Lena.
The cast of Lena Zavaroni on Broadway - 1978 includes: Adrian Hedley as himself Paul Nicholas as himself Wayne Sleep as himself Douglas Squires as As themselves Lena Zavaroni as herself
The cast of Lena and Bonnie - 1978 includes: Bonnie Langford as herself Lena Zavaroni as herself