Lee Trevino stayed at our house in Sandwich when the Open was at Royal St Georges, how could I get in contact with him?
Regards, Sean Millensted.
Rick Lee Trevino is Lee Trevino's son. Rick is also a golf professional.
Buck is Lee Trevino's middle name.
I have heard that Lee Trevino has a nephew named Jesse.
US golfer Lee Trevino is 78 years old (birthdate: December 1, 1939).
Rick Lee Trevino is Lee Trevino's son. Rick is also a golf professional.
Lee Trevino's wife was Claudia Trevino. They were married in 1983 and have been together since then.
Lee Trevino was born on December 1, 1939.
Buck is Lee Trevino's middle name.
The name of Lee Trevino's wife- Claudia Bove.
Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf happened in 1988.
Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf was created in 1988.
I have heard that Lee Trevino has a nephew named Jesse.
US golfer Lee Trevino is 78 years old (birthdate: December 1, 1939).
He's 5'7".