Donald Tenn is either in Sacramento, California, Washington D.C. or, somewhere in between.
Nashville, Tenn
Donald Phelps's birth name is Donald Allan Phelps.
Fathers4Justice President, Donald Tenn has an email database of 270,000 Worldwide. Those members are 70% fathers and men, 30% mothers and women. The majority are members of several activist/advocate organizations for Fathers Rights as well as Parental Alienation organizations, Parents for reform of CPS/DCFS, The Occupy Movement and other organizations
Donald Roeser is 5' 2".
Donald Crowhurst died in 1969.
A Google search of the keywords, "Daddy Activist" results in several stories about Donald Tenn, widely known in media and social circles as the daddy activist. Donald frequently dresses like spiderman in his work as an activist for the organization, fathers4justice. I have personally met Donald several times, he is an activist for children's rights.
John Tenn's birth name is John Joseph Tenn.
The abbreviation (Tenn.), also TN, is for the state of Tennessee.
William Tenn was born on May 9, 1920.
Antenna and centennial are words. They include the letters TENN.
William Tenn was born on May 9, 1920.
Tenn allow concealed weapon permit
William Tenn's birth name is Klass, Philip.
About 350 road miles.
The symbol for Rock-Tenn Company in the NYSE is: RKT.
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