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His first scene in the film takes place first walking in on crutches into Hollywood's famed Barney's Beanery, Billy is wearing a long, brown-ish wig and talks about directing "The 'Sh*t" out of a road movie with The Doors frontman and Andy Warhol actor Tom(Michael Madsen's character, which Idol was to originally play prior to his motorcycle accident, hence his being a little incapacitated during his scenes)starring in it, just before Jim drunkenly relieves himself at the bar. There is the Thanksgiving scene where he says "Yeah, F#*k Off Ray!" before Morrison jumps up and down on the dinner 'bird' before Cat's buddy Dog declares "Let's Eat This Thing!". A Doors concert scene where a nude woman comes dancing onstage and he touches her as well small scene during a montage during the exposure trial and of course the final end scene in the studio where the credits roll. There are also few other DELETED ones which can be seen on the DVD.

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Q: Where is Billy Idol who played character Cat in the movie The Doors?
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