Justin Drew Bieber was born on March 1, 1994, 12:56 am on a Tuesday, Justin was born in St. Judes Hospital, 2nd floor, wheing 7 pounds, 11 oz, was wrapped in a purple blanket at birth, and it was raining! <3
It was Simon Bexlaham from St. Jude hospital, London,Ontario, Canada :) Justin was born 3/1/94 at the time of 12:56am on the second floor room 126 :D
Zac Efron plays Charlie St. Cloud.
He was born in London, a city in Ontario, Canada. He was raised in nearby Stratford, Ontario.
Justin Drew Bieber was born March 1, 1994 at 12:56 a.m. on a Tuesday in room 126 on the 2nd floor. At St. Judes Hospital London, Ontario, Canada weighing 7lbs. and 11oz. By mother Pattie Mallette and father Jeremy Bieber by Dr. Simon Bexlaham.
Justin bieber is going to an all boys school in New Jersey
Justin Bieber was born in St Judes Hospital.
its on august 31 st 2010 well.. at least that's when i saw it
Yes he is
St. Judes Hospital
st. judes hostpital
he will be in st. Louis for a concert on November 8th i know this cuz im goin to be there and im Justin biebers biggest fan I <3 JUSTINDREWBIEBER
St pauls in Winnipeg Manitoba That's wrong. He is going to be a junior next year at Thousand Oaks High school
St. Mary highschool in canada
St. Matthews