The expression has been taught to many Scots children as a result of the massacre of Glen Coe. The officer in charge of an English military regiment, Robert Campbell, had been sheltered, and his men had been fed and shown hospitality by the MacIans (a sub clan of the Donald clan), but was ordered to massacre the entire group. This he tried to do (only partially successfully) and the hatred of the event was magnified because not only had he turned on his hosts, but was even related to them by marriage.
Dennis Tal was born on December 12, 1975, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Never pass up a bathroom
I guess to love them while you still have them, because you never know when it is their last day.
Yes, a trust may be given perpetual trust
Yes, of course you can trust Youtube.
no way and if somone toold u yes then there huge liars and never trust then caz Prince Charles killed and raped all british girls
British Trust for Ornithology was created in 1932.
Never Trust Originality was created in 2003.
no never trust'
Never Trust a Ghost was created on 1969-10-12.
Never Trust a Pretty Face was created in 1979-01.
Anyone can apply for the British Gas Energy Trust. You must fill out the Trust's standard application form in order to become a member of their organization.
Never Trust a Happy Song was created on 2011-09-05.
don't trust a hoe never trust a hoe don't trust me......
Both Mozambique and Rwanda are members of the Commonwealth of Nations that were never part of the British Empire nor did they have any other constitutional connection to the UK or its possessions. In addition, Cameroon is a member of the Commonwealth.A small part of the country was a British Trust Territory called Southern Cameroon, but the vast majority was a French Trust Territory with no legal connection to the UK.
Both Mozambique and Rwanda are African Members of the Commonwealth of Nations who were never part of the British Empire. Cameroon might also be in that category, but a small part of Cameroon, called South Cameroon, was once a UN Trust territory administered by the UK.
Trust is trying something new, you never know what you'll get.