he is the worlds tallest living man standing at 7 ft 3 in! He lives in Turkey and was born in 1982!
Sultan Rahi is 5' 7".
Kösem Sultan died in 1651.
Simret Sultan was born in 1984.
SMK Sultan Yussuf was created in 1907.
Howfar sultan success in his mission
sultan kosen
Yes he is
He never died
8.1 ft
15 in men
The tallest living person is 2.51 meters, named Sultan Kosen. from Turkey
The tallest living person is Sultan Kosen from Turkey at 8 feet 3 inches or 2.51 Meters
The tallest ever person was Robert Wadlow, who was 8 feet 11.1 inches. The tallest living person is Sultan Kosen, who is 8 feet 1 inch.
Currently, the tallest verified living person is Sultan Kosen who stands 8 ft 1 in (247 cm) tall.
Imakita Kosen was born in 1816.
Imakita Kosen died on 1892-01-16.
The tallest person in the world is a man who lives in Turkey. His name is Sultan Kosen and he's 8'3" tall.