Rocky Lynch's middle name is Mark, after his father, Mark Lynch.
Rydel lynch,riker lynch,rocky lynch,riland lynch,stormie lynch
Yes, they are brothers
Ross Lynch's birthday is December 29, 1995. More information is that he has four siblings Riker Lynch, Rydel Lynch, Ryland Lynch and Rocky Lynch.
Mark S. Lynch and Stormie Y. Lynch are parents to Ross Lynch.
Rocky Lynch's middle name is Mark, after his father, Mark Lynch.
Rocky is older than Ross
Rocky Lynch's middle name is Mark, after his father, Mark Lynch.
Rydel lynch,riker lynch,rocky lynch,riland lynch,stormie lynch
Yes, he is because Ross Lynch is second to last of the kids (he is the 4th child) and Rocky is the 2nd. (Rocky Lynch was born November 1, 1994, and Ross Lynch was born December 19, 1995)
No Rocky Lynch is curently dateing Christina Grimmie
Yes, they are brothers
Riker Lynch, Rydel Lynch, Rocky Lynch, Ross Lynch, Ellington Ratliff
Ross said on Facebook rocky is ticklish
R5 is a band formed by the Lynch siblings: Riker Lynch, Rydel Lynch, Rocky Lynch, Ross Lynch, and their family friend Ellington Ratliff. The age order is Riker (oldest), Rydel, Rocky, Ross, and Ellington (youngest).