Jojo is originally from Foxborough, MA. she now lives in Oldbridge, NJ.
No Paul Levesque better known as Triple H is not related to Joanna Levesque. Joanna Levesque is a R&B singer most known for her song, Too Little to Late.
Joanne LevesqueJoanna Noëlle Blagden Levesque
Joanna Noëlle Levesque does not have an official fan e-mail address at this time. However, you can send her fan mail at her official fan mail address. Fan Mail Address: Jojo (Joanna Levesque) Chris Smith Management Inc. 6538 Collins Avenue Suite 507 Miami Beach, FL 33141 USA
This is a common misconception. Pop star Jojo's real name is Joanna Levesque, meaning she coincidentally has the same last name as Triple H (Paul Levesque). They aren't actually related.
Joanna Levesque (JoJo) is 5 ft. 3.5 inches tall.
Joanna Levesque (JoJo) is 5 ft. 3.5 inches tall.
its said to be some guy named Colton check it out at Joanna Levesque official Tagged profile
Joanna Levesque is 18 years old
Jojo is originally from Foxborough, MA. she now lives in Oldbridge, NJ.
She is a singer and actor.
Joanna Jojo Levesque's religion is Christianity. She has mentioned in interviews that her faith is an important aspect of her life.
No Paul Levesque better known as Triple H is not related to Joanna Levesque. Joanna Levesque is a R&B singer most known for her song, Too Little to Late.