I'm not exactly sure where she gets her clothes, but you can find similar styles at stores such as delias.com and pinkice.com. - Rebecca
You can also get them simply from Dunnes Stores && Asda !!
Do you mean on their t-shirts? If so, they are attached to the shirt.
it's really quite popular. I know a lot of people that think it is funny. Elementary girls, middle school girls, it's an all ages show! And i am the #1 icarly fan. It's so funny and Miranda rox!
Yes icarly is very intelligent
There is no email for Sam on iCarly.
None of the iCarly charactors have any religions.
yes the r in icarly and the r funny
no, it very funny
you have to buy one with money.
Probably from the people who make them.
they throw them away.
NEVER!!! It is so Funny and icarly is voted the best show on nickelodeon and people who are haters of it! shut up! like there so funny and kind people
It's funny and it's about a web show!
Acually u can go 2 http://www.cafepress.com/+Icarly+t-shirts?cmp=knc--g--us--Entertainment-Apparel---US--search-b--icarly-tee-shirts&pid=3607873&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Entertainment-Apparel---US&utm_content=search-b&utm_term=icarly-tee-shirts&gclid=CJGTnYKpyaYCFQFM5QodBTvEHQ or just go 2 CAFE EXPRESS.COM and type in ICARLY PENNY TEES and it should come up. they have alot and if u scroll down more they have more. I luv them. : ) : ) : )
Do you mean on their t-shirts? If so, they are attached to the shirt.
cuz its AWESOME! its funny but girly
Funny baby clothes usually consist of t-shirts with funny sayings on them. CafePress, Kid Teez, and Kiditude are all online stores that sell these funny t-shirts.
when Carlys brother does anything. He is hilarious! When Carly and Sam get a new producer in iCarly. Funny yet sad!