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I'm not exactly sure where she gets her clothes, but you can find similar styles at stores such as and - Rebecca

You can also get them simply from Dunnes Stores && Asda !!



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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The actors and actresses have tons of costume designers who individually make the clothes unique. Because if they use a brand like Abercrombie or Old Navy, they'd have to pay royalties to use their clothing line on TV.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

They make them, I believe. But if you go on and search "Penny Tees" they sell them on the internet.

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Q: Where does iCarly get the funny shirts?
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Acually u can go 2 or just go 2 CAFE EXPRESS.COM and type in ICARLY PENNY TEES and it should come up. they have alot and if u scroll down more they have more. I luv them. : ) : ) : )

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Do you mean on their t-shirts? If so, they are attached to the shirt.

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