She lives in Sparta, New Jersey
I believe her real name is Wendy Mass, though i'm not absolutely positive. I have a lot of data on her, though, so i'm almost for certain.
she wrote many boooks
49 bargates, leominster herefordshire england
rory sweson
She lives in Sparta, New Jersey
Wendy Mass went to Tufts University for college
Wendy Mass was born in Livingston, New Jersey.
Wendy Mass has written 26 books.
Wendy Mass does have a family of her own. She lives with them in New Jersey.
Wendy Mass's middle name is Leigh.
Wendy Mass is 50 years old (birthdate April 22, 1967).
Wendy Mass was born January 17, 1967, in Livingston, NJ.
Wendy Mass was born January 17, 1967 in Livingston New Jersey.
I believe her real name is Wendy Mass, though i'm not absolutely positive. I have a lot of data on her, though, so i'm almost for certain.