Wall-e is for children because the adults will not like it
First, the Nintendo company sent a photo of R.O.B. to the Disney company, then they modified the picture, and badda bing badda boom! Wall-E was born! :)
an egg
the axiom
In England.
WALL-E brought in 62.5 million dollars in it's first weekend.
EVE would win because WALL-E would just patiently take the beating.
The film takes place in the year 2805 .
It is actually called 'There's a place in France' "There's a place in France Where the naked ladies dance There's a hole in the wall Where the men can see it all" Ke$ha did a version of it called "Take it off" (:
The Axium
september 4th 1982
Wall-E EVE M-O I know a lot more but you only asked for 1 so I gave you 3.
No, the Jonas Brothers where not in Wall-E.