There are reports that she now lives in Topanga, CA
Gabrielle Christian's birth name is Gabrielle Christine Horchler.
Gabrielle Eisenstadt is 5' 3".
Gabrielle Odinis is 160 cm.
Gabrielle Haller was created in 1982.
Gabrielle Zevin currently resides in Los Angeles, California.
There are reports that she now lives in Topanga, CA
She lives in Scottsdale, Arizona. But soon she's moving to San Fran.
Gabrielle Christian's birth name is Gabrielle Christine Horchler.
Gabrielle Pascoe's birth name is Gabrielle Middaugh.
Gabrielle Eisenstadt is 5' 3".
Gabrielle Eisenstadt's birth name is Gabrielle Aviva Eisenstadt.
Grace Gabrielle's birth name is Grace Gabrielle Dias.
Gabrielle Carteris's birth name is Carteris, Gabrielle Anne.
Gabrielle Casartelli's birth name is Gabrielle Anunziata Casartelli.
Gabrielle Zevin's birth name is Zevin, Gabrielle L..