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Nobody know where Fred lives or else people would try to come to his house and try to brake in just to touch him. But only huge, Fred lovers would do that.

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Q: Where does Fred figgerhorn live on Fred the movie?
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Is Lucas Cruikshank making a Fred movie?

yes he is. i live in his town.

What movie will Fred Figglehorn be in?

He will be in the movie coming out, "Fred the Movie".

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He will not be playing in Fred the Movie.

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He plays Fred's dad.

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Is Fred figglehorn getting his own movie?

Yes, it's called "Fred the Movie".

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yes he did go watch fred the movie

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Yes there is going to be Fred the movie 2 go to Lucas Cruikshank on wikepedia it says hes gonna be in Fred the movie 2

What happened to Fred at the party in Fred the movie?

he farted