No, Bryant Gumbel is not single.
Bryant Gumbel is 100% African-American and he doesn't claim to be anything other than that. Both of his parents are black and all of grandparents are black.
He has been married twice.
According to the Urban Dictionary, a Bryant Gumbel is a black man having sex with a woman from behind while talking to a white man.
All information leads to Carolyn Bryant Donham presently living in Greenville, MS, with her son Frank Bryant.
Bryant Gumbel's birth name is Bryant Charles Gumbel.
No, Bryant Gumbel is not single.
Bryant Gumbel was born on September 29, 1948
Bryant Gumbel has 2 children
Yes, Bryant Gumbel has 2 kids.
Bryant Gumbel has 2 children
Bryant Gumbel is a/an Television personality, sportscaster
Yes, Bryant Gumbel has 2 kids.
Bryant Gumbel married to June Baranco from 1973 to 2001 Bryant Gumbel married to Hilary Quinlan in 2002
Bryant Gumbel married to June Baranco from 1973 to 2001 Bryant Gumbel married to Hilary Quinlan in 2002
Bryant Gumbel was born on September 29, 1948.
Bryant Gumbel was born on September 29, 1948.