Anastacia McPherson's birth name is Anastacia Rose McPherson.
Anastacia Spiegel is 5' 9".
Bob Newkirk died on April 13, 2005, in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Mandi Lyn Toan is 5' 1".
Lyn Moran was born on 1978-11-12.
US singer Anastacia Lyn Newkirk is 48 years old (birthdate: September 17, 1968).
As far as known, Anastacia Lyn Newkirk is still alive and working XD.
Anastacia Lyn Newkirk was born in Chicago, Illinois, USA on September 17, 1968.
Google Anastacia and click on It contains all of her biography, tour info, photos and more. Or if you dont find what you want, go to wikipedia and search her name.
Live at Last - Anastacia video - was created on 2006-03-27.
Anastacia's dog's name is Freak. (Anastacia the singer)
Anastacia Maggioncalda's birth name is Anastacia Leach.
Lyana June Newkirk has written the book "A Helpful Guide to Live Your Best Life: Devotions for Tweens."
Anastacia McPherson's birth name is Anastacia Rose McPherson.
The address of the Newkirk Public Library is: 116 N Maple Ave, Newkirk, 74647 4647
Anastacia Diaz is 5'.
Harry Newkirk has written: 'Harry Newkirk, childhood days'