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Elrond's House, or Rivendell was one location. The other was Lothlórien where Galadriel and Celeborn lived. In the Elven Halls of Mirkwood there were elves. There were also some elves at the Grey Havens. After the War of the Ring Legolas brought some elves from Mirkwood and they settled in the fair land of Ithilien. There were folk of Eriador and Lindon, such as Gildor and his crew. Elves resided at the Tower Hills to guard the palantir.

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11y ago

All of the Dwarves that appear in The Hobbit were originally from Erebor, the Lonely Mountain (or their parents were). However, since being evicted, they had wandered as far west as the Blue Mountains, and were common enough through their wandering that Bilbo was familiar with dwarves. This also gave them the reputation for being gypsies of a sort, and they were commonly shunned as beggars.

Originally, the Dwarves of Durin's line (from which all but 3 of the company descend), inhabited Moria and Gundabad until they were driven out by Orcs (or the Balrog known as Durin's Bane). The main host of Durin's Folk lived in the Iron Hills to the northeast of Erebor, under the kindgom of Dain Ironfoot, Thorin's cousin.

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15y ago

Bilbo has two encounters with elves in his adventures. The first is at Rivendale, where Elrond lives. The second is in Mirkwood, the halls of the Elf King.

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Q: Where do the elves in 'The Lord of the Rings' live?
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You'll find the answer in the Lord of the Rings Rulebook. Websites, stores or GW Customer Service will not give you this answer .

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The can be found in The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien.Those characters can be found in The Lord of the Rings. Gandalf and some of the elves can also be found in The Hobbit. The are key characters in the book The Lord of the Rings, which was made into movies a few years ago.After the story ends, along with Gimli, you will find them in Valinor, in the West.

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your an idiot, its not real.

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