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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

go to your teacher and ask her to tell you!

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Q: Where do i learn to play gamelan music?
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How did people in Java learn how to play gamelan music?

The people of Java learn gamelan music as an oral tradition. The first gamelan was played as a way to send messages to the gods. After the introduction of Catholisism to Java, Gamelan music was used in services to some extent.

How is gamelan music composed?

in groups of people in school to all different people free or with disability it is good and fun to learn

How many people play in a gamelan ochestra?

A typical gamelan orchestra can consist of around 20 to 30 musicians but can vary in size depending on the type of gamelan and the specific music being performed.

What sort of music does a gamelan play?

they play instuments involving cello tape and po

Why do the people who play the gamelan music neal down?

cuz they wannna

What is the basic function of vocal music in gamelan music?


What does gamelan music actually mean?

Gamelan music is a type of music which is performed by indonesia/bali and java. Gamelan music is believed to contact the spirits.

What are the two kinds of scale pattern use in Indonesian music?

Gamelan music is the traditional music ensemble of Indonesia. Gamelan music has two scales: slendro and pelog.

What is the gamelan?

gamelan is a type of music originated in Indonesia.

Does Gamelan music have an ostinato?

Yes. The melody in Gamelan music is repeated. The meaning of an ostinato is a continually repeated musical rhythm. So Gamelan music does have an ostinato.

What type of person plays gamelan music?

Gamelan music is traditionally played by communities in Indonesia, including musicians from all age groups and backgrounds. It is often a communal activity, with members of the community coming together to learn and perform the music.

Who played the gamelan music?

The people of Bali and Java originally played the gamelan music.