Ritchie Valens was born on May 13, 1941
Ritchie Valens's birth name is Richard Steven Valenzuela.
Ritchie Valens died on February 3d, 1959, at the age of 17. He was never married.
San Fernando mission cemetery
I believe it was 602 pico st. San Fernando
Ritchie Valens is 170 cm.
Ritchie Valens is a/an Singer songwriter guitarist
he attended San Fernando High school in the San Fernando Valley.
Ritchie Valens - album - was created in 1958.
Ritchie Valens was born on May 13, 1941.
The Best of Ritchie Valens was created in 1958.
Ritchie Valens was born on May 13, 1941.
Ritchie Valens was born on May 13, 1941
Ritchie Valens nephew is a boy who lives in Watsonvile, CA
Ritchie Valens died on February 3, 1959 at the age of 17.
Ritchie Valens was born on May 13, 1941
Ritchie Valens Memorial Album was created in 1958.