It's not immediately apparent from her website, which is, frankly, kind of a red flag. The fact that it prominently refers to her as "Dr" Cindy Trimm every time her name is mentioned is another.
I suspect, though I confess I don't have any proof, that if she does have a doctorate, it's probably from a diploma mill for which the primary requirement for obtaining a degree is that your check doesn't bounce.
At a women's conference, Juanita Bynum announced that her mentor is Dr. Cindy Trimm.
Cindy Murdock is married to David Murdock, Dr. Mike Murdock's little brother. Cindy and John Price got a divorce in 1976.
in California university
no Cindy price did not marry mike murdock Cindy Smith Price married Mike Murdock's youngest brother, David.
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas is not a Disney production.
i think from bermuda Jesus bless you!
she doesn't have an alliance ring therefore, she is not married.
At a women's conference, Juanita Bynum announced that her mentor is Dr. Cindy Trimm.
At a women's conference, Juanita Bynum announced that her mentor is Dr. Cindy Trimm.
she doesn't have an alliance ring therefore, she is not married.
Allie Trimm goes by Allie Trimm.
Allie Trimm's birth name is Alexandria Trimm.
Ben Trimm's birth name is Ben Trimm.
Allie Trimm is 5' 6".
Ben Trimm is 6' 1".
Dr. Sanderson Charles Jeter earned his doctorate at the University of Michigan.