he played Adam cartright on bonanza and trapper john on trapper john MD he is still alive at the age 80 he was born on 05/18/1928
He is a political blogger/commentator/activist in Salisbury, Md and Wicomico County, Md.
Barney signed his name Barney Fife MD but MD stands for Mayberry Deputy not DR.
Wayne Rogers
Trapper John MD
When putting the last name first, you can place "MD" after the first name. For example: "John Doe, MD" would be written as "Doe, John MD."
Trapper John MD
Bel Air, MD
he played Adam cartright on bonanza and trapper john on trapper john MD he is still alive at the age 80 he was born on 05/18/1928
John Town, MD.
The late (May 18, 1928 - January 24, 2010) Pernell Roberts played in the role of Adam Cartwright .
Yes. You should write it at John P. Doe, MD