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Ted Tonks (d. 1998) was a Muggle-born wizard, the husband ofAndromeda Tonks nee Black, and the father of Nymphadora Tonks. By marrying Andromeda, who was born into a prejudiced pure-bloodfamily, he singled her out for scorn by most of her relatives. The couple had one child, who became a member of the Order of the Phoenix during the Second Wizarding War. Ted and Andromeda were not members of the Order, but assisted them occasionally, such as allowing them to use their home as a safe house after theBattle over Little Whinging. When Lord Voldemort succeeded intaking over the Ministry of Magic in 1997 and the Muggle-Born Registration Commission was established, Ted went on the run. He was eventually caught and killed by Snatchers.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

When the Ministry of Magic fell under Lord Voldemort's control in August 1997, all known safehouses of the Order lost their protective enchantments, and were raided by mixtures of Ministry employees and Death Eaters. Ted and Andromeda were tortured for information about Harry, like many other families with connections to Order members; Remus reported that they were "shaken, obviously, but otherwise okay". Some time after this, their daughter came to stay with them upon discovering that she was pregnant. Remus temporarily left her side, worried about passing on lycanthropyto their child.

When the Ministry began its persecution of Muggle-borns, Ted, on a matter of principle, refused to register with the Muggle-Born Registration Commission. He was forced to leave to avoid Death Eaters operating near his home. Andromeda did not accompany him, as her pure-blood status kept her safe and she had to care for her pregnant daughter.

Ted then went on the run, eventually meeting up with fellow fugitives Dirk Cresswell and Dean Thomas, as well as goblins Griphook and Gornuk, and they proceeded to stay on the move throughout the countryside. At one point, the group discussed Harry Potter - unaware that Harry was listening in, along with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Ted dimissed the Daily Prophet's claims that Harry was involved in Albus Dumbledore's death, and stated his belief that The Quibbler was the only place to get reliable news. Eventually, the group was caught by a gang of Snatchers led by Fenrir Greyback, perhaps due to breaking the Taboo curse on Voldemort's name. Ted, Dirk and Gornuk were killed resisting capture.

The death of Ted Tonks and his comrades was announced on Potterwatch, as the Daily Prophet had ceased reporting deaths caused by Voldemort's regime. When Nymphadora gave birth to her son, she and Remus decided to name him Teddy in her father's memory.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

yes he does, i cant remember how he dies, but ted tonks dies

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Somewhere in England, the exact location was never disclosed.

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Where does Tonks' mother live in Harry Potter?

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Who is ted tonks from Harry Potter?

Ted Tonks is the husband of Andromeda (Black) and the father of Nmyhadora Tonks better known just as Tonks.. Harry Potter uses Ted's house in the 7 Potters chapter in the Deathly Hallows to hide out before using the portkey to the Weasleys

Did one of the Harry Potter characters have a baby?

Yes, Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin had a son. His name is Edward 'Teddy' Remus Lupin. Edward after Tonks father, known as Ted Tonks.

Why did Ted Tonks leave?

Ted Tonks was muggle-born, he knew the death eaters were after him, especially given his close connection to Bellatrix Lestrange, so he fled hoping he could survive the war and keeping his family safe.

What was Tonks's mother's name in Harry Potter?

She is the daughter of muggle-born wizard Ted and pure-blood witch Andromeda Tonks (née Black). She disliked her given name and thus preferred to be called "Tonks" or sometimes "Dora".

Who played ted tonks in the 7th Harry Potter movie?

Nobody. They cut his scene from the movie.

Who is Teddy Lupin?

Teddy Lupin, whose full name is Ted Remus Lupin, is the son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks. Teddy is named after Ted Tonks, Nymphadora's father who was murdered by death eaters, and is Harry Potter's godson. Teddy was born in April 1998, and is a metamorphmagus like his mother.

Where does Teddy Tonks live?

With Andromeda Tonks, his grandmother. Teddy frequently visits his extended family, the Potter's and Weasley's. His full name is Edward 'Teddy' Remus Lupin - not Tonks.

Who is Lupine?

Teddy Lupin, whose full name is Ted Remus Lupin, is the son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks. Teddy is named after Ted Tonks, Nymphadora's father who was murdered by death eaters, and is Harry Potter's godson. Teddy was born in April 1998, and is a metamorphmagus like his mother.

How did Gornuk the Goblin die?

He was killed, along with Ted Tonks, while trying to resist being picked up by snatchers.

Did Nymphadora Tonks ever have her baby?

Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin's child is called Edward Remus Lupin. He was named after his grandfather, Edward Tonks, who died shortly before he was born. He is better known as Teddy or Ted.