Ann Wyeth McCoy was born on March 15, 1915, in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, USA.
Los angelos
Unless hes moved i believe he lives in lakeland florida...hes my neighbor :)
Andrew Guilarte's birth name is Andrew Ramcharan.
Andrew Kavovit is 5' 9".
Andrew Wyeth's birth name is Andrew Newell Wyeth.
James (Jamie) Wyeth is one of Andrew Wyeth's two sons.
andrew wyeth does paintings which means a artist.
Andrew Wyeth did 53 paintings in
Andrew Wyeth was born on July 12, 1917.
Andrew Wyeth was born on July 12, 1917.
Andrew Wyeth style was realism because his period of time was mainly about realism
Andrew Wyeth was a artist. He lived through the years of 1920-2009.He was born on July 12, 1920. He died on January 16, 2009. Andrew Wyeth will always be remembered for is works of art.
Yes. He married Betsy James in the 1940's.
Yes. He was the youngest out of 5 Children. He died in 2009.
Andrew Wyeth.