Highly unlikely right now as most release formats for anime is 1080p at best (even for Blu-Ray) and not everyone has a 4K TV. Over time though you will see a trend as 4K will be adopted into the global film and animation industry.
You could try Crunchy roll, anime freak, and gogo anime.
The Princess 69 anime show was produced in Japan. One can watch the show on DVD or as a digital download. It can be download from numerous anime related sites.
At your fathers house
You can always try Animefreak.tv and download a mirror for free. A mirror is just a different version of an episode that you can watch. Hope this helped
You could use my way:Hidden anime - http://tinyurl.com/yawxy6oon this site you can watch almost any anime series online and for the download use firefoxand the download helper plugin.Firefox - http://tinyurl.com/yd36d24Download helper - http://tinyurl.com/27uc69There are many other ways, but i find this to be the best way
if you want to watch anime i wouldn't download there are some great site that let you watch anime for free like Animeseason.com or crunchyroll.com just to name a few i do know Fairy tale is on animeseason.com. if you do watch you'll have to read the subtitles.
You find the URL of the anime episode and then download it into your hard drive, then watch it. Or you can find the URL of the anime episode and then download it, AND THEN watch it tomake sure there's no buffering. After that THEN burn it onto a disk.
You could try Crunchy roll, anime freak, and gogo anime.
The Princess 69 anime show was produced in Japan. One can watch the show on DVD or as a digital download. It can be download from numerous anime related sites.
Don't ask for places to watch or download content illegally.
You can watch them on youtube, and if you have the anime channel on sky you can watch them there.
You could try Crunchy roll, anime freak, and gogo anime.
you can watch any anime you want on youtube.com just parts though...there great you should watch papa to kiss in the dark Other Sites for watching anime are: www.animecrazy.NET (You can watch the whole video) www.zomganime.com (You can watch the whole video)
At your fathers house
Anime freak is a good site to watch it in dub or with sub.
You can download or watch lots of different series at Watchseries.eu, here you will find all sorts of different Series, you can either watch them by clicking the links or download them by clicking the download links
you could watch anime in crunchyroll. just look for it in the appstore. don't worry, its free. :))