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If you have Verison T.V. Network, you can rent the movie for about $4.00 if you go to browze all, kids zone then go to Harry Potter movies. If you don't have that and you have Netflix, you can watch it on there, but It's D.V.D. only. The last thing you could do is go to a store like Taarget and you can purchase the movie for $20.00 or possibly more. (Sorry. It's been a while since Iv'e been to Target!)

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13y ago
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15y ago

The best place to watch: Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix is at-FLICKPEEK you can watch Harry Potter and loads of other films :) ENJOY! oh and by the way you have to alredy have downloaded ZANGO or you can download it when you click on a film and you have to be 18 or over to download zango.

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13y ago

Amazon Video On Demand however you do need to pay.

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16y ago

You can watch clips/scenes on popular video website or simply typing harry potter and the order of the pheniox scene _______ on Google video.

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13y ago

You cannot legally watch a movie for free online. You can pay to view it on iTunes or Amazon Unbox, it's not that expensive.

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14y ago

You cannot legally watch any of the Harry Potter movies online however you can watch them with a small fee on places such as Amazon or iTunes.

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13y ago

you can buy the DVD in near enough any shop for about £7 or typ in Google 'watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix online for free' and see what come up.

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13y ago

until Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows come's out on DVD you cant see it anywhere else because it isn't in theaters anymore

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