cbbc channel, they are replaying the first series now
and also bbc one plays new series'
Elisabeth Sladen played Sarah Jane Smith in every Doctor Who episode and every Sarah Jane Adventures episode she was in. Jessica Ashworth played the 13 year old version of Sarah Jane Smith in the Sarah Jane Adventures episode "Whatever Happened To Sarah Jane?"
In the Sarah Jane Adventures you will see mostly new faces but Sarah Jane Smith of coure will be in it, K-9 will be in a couple, and in season 3 the doctor will be in a few.
its not someone important as the whole thing is just computer graphic
Well, He has a belly.. But, He has no belly button, because he was grown and not born.
Sarah-Jane is really mint :)
All Sarah Jane Adventures episodes will be found on SurfTheChannel.com.
The person who plays Sarah Jame in the Sarah Jane Adventures is Elizebeth Sladen
The duration of The Sarah Jane Adventures is 3600.0 seconds.
yes he is (i think) if you watch Revenge of the Slitheen
I saw the Sarah Jane adventures on eBay and in the city
The Sarah Jane Adventures was created on 2007-01-01.
The Sarah Jane Adventures ended on 2011-10-18.
where is the judoon in the Sarah Jane adventures monster hunt
Rani Chandra - The Sarah Jane Adventures - was created in 2008.
Luke Smith - The Sarah Jane Adventures - was created in 2007.
Mr Smith - The Sarah Jane Adventures - was created in 2007.
sarah jane adventures monster hunt is not available any more.