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you can 'vent' DVD in Germany i think.... or a DVD store..

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Q: Where can you vent DVD in Seattle?
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What are the release dates for Battle in Seattle - 2007?

Battle in Seattle - 2007 was released on: Canada: 8 September 2007 (Toronto International Film Festival) Canada: 3 October 2007 (Vancouver International Film Festival) USA: 10 March 2008 (South by Southwest Film Festival) USA: 14 March 2008 (Cleveland International Film Festival) USA: 2 April 2008 (Florida Film Festival) France: 7 May 2008 USA: 22 May 2008 (Seattle International Film Festival) Spain: 7 June 2008 (FICMA Film Festival) USA: 19 September 2008 (limited) Spain: 3 October 2008 Netherlands: 7 October 2008 (DVD premiere) Portugal: 9 October 2008 Turkey: 1 December 2008 (DVD premiere) Finland: 14 January 2009 (DVD premiere) Sweden: 14 January 2009 (DVD premiere) USA: 10 March 2009 (DVD premiere) Czech Republic: 19 March 2009 Singapore: 2 April 2009 Canada: 28 April 2009 (DVD premiere) Japan: 26 June 2009 (DVD premiere) Australia: 1 July 2009 (DVD premiere) Italy: 8 July 2009 (DVD premiere) Romania: 29 September 2009 (Iasi International Film Festival) Argentina: 6 October 2009 (DVD premiere) Germany: 15 July 2010 (DVD premiere)

Can you vent air into a sewer vent pipe?

No. You vent air from a sewer line.

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Monkey Love - 2002 was released on: USA: 12 June 2002 (Seattle International Film Festival) USA: 2011 (DVD premiere)

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vent vent