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i am roy acuff's 3rd cousin W Acuff. I'm sorry i can't answer your question at this time i only know a small part of it, however i heard a story about two brothers(our relatives) that immigrated and acquired a large amount of land in Tennessee somewhere around Knoxville. there is an Acuff cemetery next to a church and the pastors name is david acuff. there is also a Kitt cemetery down the road which has a lot of acuffs in it, however i can not recall the name of the town at this time i do remember it started with the letter P. I wish i could tell you more but I'm drawing a blank. good luck on finding our family tree i would like to know more about it as well as the orgin of our name.

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Q: Where can you get a family tree for singer Roy C Acuff I am related to him as cousins and would really like our family tree if anyone can help thanks?
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