well they have never kissed in that series but if you stop it at certain times you can make it look like they're kissing.
most likely
I never played sonic x but you can tell that sonic does NOT like Amy so its kind of impossible that they do kiss
No, but they are very good and close friends. sonic runs away from Amy (nother user) so in episodes it dosent show that well some times and sonic does love Amy but dosent show so yeah and if your a fan of Amy with someone or sonic with someone there lying
yes sonic does have a sister in sega version her name is solar
Sonic does not LIKE Amy kissing so he runs away so Amy does not be kissed by Amy
There hasn't been one and there probably won't be one. Amy was made to chase Sonic. That's the running gag. She never succeeds in marrying him. If she did there would be no point in having her anymore. (Amy fans:*gasp*). Sega probably won't have a kissing scene between them, and that's that. She/He's right! I wouldn't, I mean, Sonic wouldn't do that because she's a close friend to her and that would ruin it, PLUS Sonic doesn't like anyone anyways.
most likely
any thing could happen, in sonic x eps. 158 Amy tackle huged sonic I think she did that so he couldn't get away so Amy kept kissing sonic
Amy likes Sonic but Sonic doesn't like her.
If everybody is thinking about sonic kissing Amy then both can be famous.
no not yet people make pictures of them kissing but in sonic x they never really did
tails started kissing amy then they started to have sex then sonic walked in then he said can I join
sonic talis k.t.n shadow amy omaga rhoth big eggman
Amy has a baby with shadow because sonic had liked sally before and they had a kid so amy saw sonic and sally kissing and long story short she jad a baby with shadow
Amy is a sonic the hedgehog character and she is sonic's ''boy friend'' and Amy is pink,girly and has a hell of a hammer!you can find her in games like Sonic adventure DX , Sonic adventure 2 battle , Sonic CD , Sonic the fighters , Sonic R , sonic heroes and more! any ways that's who Amy is!
Of course he will . In Sonic Riders , she hit him with her giant hammer in the ending cut-scene . How would Sonic love her after that . Sorry , SonAmy fans , but that hammer was the end of it .