you can go on Google images and pick a picture or a poster of Justin Bieber and you can save it to a folder and then you can print them out on your printer.
Hopped i helped, i'm doing the same thing!!
you can go on google images and look up: justin bieber fragrance and you should be able to see a picture, also if you want to buy it you can go to the mall and find one, they usually have it at Dillard's and cost around 60$.
Justin bieber : justindrewbiebes Selena Gomez : selenagogogomez That's all I know so far but I hope to find more
who would not like justin bieber mostly the boys but ther just jelus but enyway if i went to one of his consrs i would be chering the lowdest then eny one in thaer hit me up on facebook my name is hailey schnortz thank justin bieber
Neither. They're both fake and ugly. Eminem is a white thug who wishes he was black, and Justin Bieber is a sissy little girl that can't sing or even come up with good lyrics. Kellin Quin is far more attractive than either of those pieces of trash, but this is an opinion, not a logical question, therefore every answer anyone gives you (yes, including mine) is invalid and pointless.
Yes, He Loves His Fans, Friends, Family And God. He Loves Helping Out Other People, Like He Went To Haiti To Help Out. Justin Is A Great Person With A Priceless Heart. You Will Never Find Someone Just Like Him.
You can find the posters of Justin Bieber at Target or in various teen magazines.
you can go to
Copy the text from the internet, put it in a word pad file, Hit Print!
You can get really good ones from teen magazines. All you have to do is look at the cover, and see if it says like 7 large Justin Bieber posters inside. As you know, it is very rare to find a bad poster of him!
You can find free printable poster on this website : Open Art Project is dedicated to making free quality hi-res printable posters available for everyone. The posters on the website are meant to be easy to print and to hang. You can download the hi-res PDF file and simply print them at home.
usher didnt find Justin bieber , alix and iqra did.
You can find school supplies of Justin Bieber at Wal-Mart
you can find Justin Bieber at his house..... you can find it on youtube just type in where are you know by justin He lives in Atlanta Georga
i relly what to play justin bieber games
All you have to do is search "justin bieber quizes" on google and you'll find lots of them
Go to a store were you by school supplies and your maby gonna find a Justin bieber binder.
you can find a picture of justin bieber shirtless on or in magazines