I watch my Naruto Shippuden on crunchyroll.com, which is free. I also have the Crunchyroll iPhone app, in which you can watch Naruto on the go
watchcartoononline.com or animefreak.com they both have naruto and naruto shippuden episodes in English dubbed and subbed
no where for about 2 years
naruto shippuden episodes 1-4 are already out the next episodes are coming out late 2009
you can find them at http://www.Hianime.com
If you are saying where you could watch it as an English Dubbed, check out animefreak.tvEvery Anime series plus Naruto and Naruto Shippuden in dubbed and subbed versions :)I have found one more site totally based on Naruto Shippuden. In here all the episodes are available, check this one narutoshippuden-episode.com
watchcartoononline.com or animefreak.com they both have naruto and naruto shippuden episodes in English dubbed and subbed
At the moment there are 166 but there should be new episodes of naruto shippuden in english dub in April! Hope I helped!
As of December 2009 21 Naruto Shippuden English episodes have been released on the internet but 4 new episodes come out at the start of every month.
Naruto Shippuden is already dubbed. Go to narutoget.com for dubbed episodes.
no where for about 2 years
naruto shippuden episodes 1-4 are already out the next episodes are coming out late 2009
You can at Naruto and you can watch naruto shippuden in English.
narutoget.com; they have info on movies, shippuden episodes, English dubbed episodes, and more.
it will once the English dubbed shippuden episodes r release to NA
For English dubbed episodes you can got to justdubs.net(please do not forget the S) but as of today the episodes only go up to episode 79.