Episode 1 Link: English Dub
All episode 1 - 49 are uploaded for English dub!
Any popular anime streaming website like gogo anime.
You can watch them in netflix.com but you need to create a free account.
Finding full episodes of Blues Clues in UK is easy. You can find the episodes online all you have to do is download them.
You should use Google a lot more. Google up Naruto English episodes online Or u could go to www.toonamijetstream.com but they constantly update it and so the old episodes have been deleted.
hey guyss............wanna see get backers...............so this is the site for u...................www.aniweblog.org
You can find Pokemon episodes at "pokemonepisode.org". but not all of them are in English.
narutoget.com; they have info on movies, shippuden episodes, English dubbed episodes, and more.
At animefreak.tv
I'm not sure to download, but on Youtube you can watch English dub episodes, Japanese episodes, and Japanese episodes with English subtitles. Also on itunes I bought the season, that is all in English
I dont know but i think you can just watch it free on youtube. You could also just buy it on viz.
I recommend reading the manga instead, it's much easier to find and it updates weekly.You can read it for free at onemanga.However, if you are set on watching the anime episodes,you can watch them dignarutoOne note though, these are with English subtitles. You aren't going to find much of the dubbed stuff online.________________________________________________________________________I know this cool website with free episodes. It's www.naruto-episodes.net. As far as I know, they do not have Naruto: Shippuden episodes, however. But the Naruto episodes that they do have are English dubbed, and in good quality as well.Visit the sites I use, which are Animecrazy to watch manga and OneManga to read manga.
You can watch all the episodes for free at Funimation.com
Any popular anime streaming website like gogo anime.
You can't legally.