I would first of all probably look on Animefreak.tv they have a wide selection of anime aswell as Animeboy.org
its an hentai game, not an anime
you can probably find some good PG anime on any anime channel
If you want to go to the anime freak website then go to the link in related links.
It is really hard to find similar anime's to other anime's I've looked that up many times and yet still no answer.
Barnes and Nobles
ZOMG Anime and AnimeFreak are usually the top two websites for anime, but if you are looking for old or hard-to-find anime, try DBZ-Zone.
One can find information about anime paper at a number of different websites. One can find information about anime paper at websites such as Anime Paper and Funnyjunk.
You could try Crunchy roll, anime freak, and gogo anime.
Animefreak.com Look at the Popular Anime tab
Yes, you can find anime DVDs in Minnesota.
its an hentai game, not an anime
One can find more information about anime news by checking out the anime blog site. The anime blog site will tell of any new episodes on a particular anime or new animes themselves.
you can probably find some good PG anime on any anime channel
VOCALOID does NOT have an anime. It is just a singing synthesis program.
You can find almost every anime song at www.Gendou.com Also, iTunes has started selling anime music as well with anime as a new genre to the store. There's not much yet, but it will grow.
There are many places where one can find lyrics to the Anime Song. One can find lyrics to the Anime Song at popular on the web sources such as Metro Lyrics and A to Z Lyrics.
I know there is a crunchroll app that has anime but, aall I did was type in anime and a bunch of apps showed up