i can give u 1!
First, there are 5 girls. Ali, Emily, Aria, Hanna, and Spencer. these girls are all bff's until their friendship breaks apart after an accident when ali hits Jenna Cavanaugh, a dork who all 5 girls pick on, in the eyes. Jenna becomes blind and her brother Toby takes the blame. The incedent is now known as The Jenna Thing. at their end-of-seventh-grade bash, Ali wants 2 hypnotize the girls, but only Hanna and Emily end up getting hypnotized and over a fight over closing the blinds by Spencer and ali, ali runs out and Spencer follows her and they have a fight. aria later follows them and then she sees no one and goes back inside.
SORRY! this book is way 2 good 2 spoil and this is LOTS of typing...I'll finish later!but u should REALLY read PLL, flawless, perfect, unbelievable, and wicked they're amazing books
In the aftermath of Pretty Little Liars, Spencer, Hanna, Aria, and Emily are more desperate than ever to discover the identity of "A", who is still taunting them with the threat of of exposing their many secrets. The "Jenna Thing" is. Hanna is shocked to discover her former boyfriend Sean ignoring his Virginity Club vows and nearly having sex with Aria. Emily blames herself for Toby's suicide, and the identity of "A" remains unknown and they think she knows . In this book it is also told that Toby raped his sister Jenna when they were younger. Since then the two have begun a romantic relationship with the permission of their parents.
there's no Louis in pretty little liars.
No, Spencer from Pretty Little Liars does not die.
Ezra did not die on Pretty Little Liars.
No one there is no trisa on pretty little liars
All of the books in the Pretty Little Liars series
Pretty Little Liars!
The books in the Pretty Little Liars series are:Pretty Little LiarsFlawlessPerfectUnbelievableWickedKillerHeartlessWantedTwistedRuthlessStunningBurnedCrushedDeadly
Flawless: A Pretty Little Liars novel
No, Kate doesn't die in Pretty Little Liars
Yes. The ninth book in the Pretty Little Liars series is called Twisted
In conclusion their will b a total there will b 4seasons of pretty little liars
I do not believe it does. Pretty little liars is in book form and it is also a TV series.
Either the first one (Pretty Little Liars) or the last one (Wanted).
pretty little liars flawless perfect unbelievable wicked killer heartless wanted twisted
The series is currently airing.