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I don't know of such a list. If you are asking about symphony orchestras in the US, you can find a list of major orchestras (they make the list on the basis of how much money they spend per year). Below that, you can find a list of metropolitan orchestras that spend less but are still professional and unionized. The third tier would includes community orchestras, mostly unionized but not usually made up of fulltime professional musicians but made up of skilled musicians who have other jobs such as teaching.

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Does Murphy USA sell top tier gasoline?

No they don't they do not show the Top Tier logo or are in the list according to I drive a 2010 Camaro SS and used Murphy USA gasoline (premium) and for some reason the gasoline tends to drop quickly compared to other gas stations like (Mobile, Shell, etc...) that are in the list of Top Tiers.

How much money does the director of ncis make?

The Director of NCIS is a SES Tier 3 Civil Servant with pay capped at 179,000.00

How many seats are in a movie theater row?

16 Different ways they could sit next to each other in the movies

What are cheats for the star wars imperial academy app?

ok theres a cheat for every map exept bridge. you need a rocket launcher(tier 2) or a grenade launcher(higher than tier 1). i dont really know how to do it with a grenade launcher but some other people so. Hangar: You go to the top of the ramp that leads to the elevator and put your back against the wall. make sure your're all the way on the ramp. then you aim directly at the ground and shoot. you should be flying up. the moment you leave the ground,start walk backwards. you should be on top of the wall. an awesome sniping position :p this is all im gonna tell because i dont want to give all of them away. i think some cheats i only know (^_-)

What is a loggia box in the royal albert hall could you explain it and if you are on the left side of the stage does that mean you are directly at the side of the stage?

no, unless you are on the far left then you will also have a good view. the seats (from the stalls up) are arranged in a horseshoe shape around the central auditorium. the loggia boxes contain the best seats in the royal albert hall, after the grand tier seats. it is best to get seats as close to the centre of the horseshoe whichever seating level you choose.

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