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In the Library.

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Q: Where can you find Hermonie Granger?
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Does Hermonie Granger get hurt in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie?

Not really hurt

What type of clothes does Hermonie Granger wear in HP?

She wears the hogworts school unifirm

What do you think of hermonie granger and ron weasley going out?

I think it is fantastic, it was meant to be. if you want to get opinion answers, try making a poll.

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Can you write a list of Harry Potter caracteres transelatered into french?

Harry Potter- Herri perottie Ron Wealey- Rener wensli Hermonie Granger- Hamoimiee Gregdar Draco Malfoy- Derico Melfey Albus Dumbeldore- Arbils Demblemored

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They go to Bellatrix Lestrange's vault in Gringotts Bank.

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How many characters that you know the name of are in Harry Potter?

Luna Lovgood,Harry Potter,Ron Weasley,Hermonie Granger,Ginny Weasley,Nevel Longbottem,Draco Malfoy.Lucius Malfoy,Valdimort,Bellatrix Lestrange,Dumbledoor,Groil,Pansy Parkingson,and Wormhole.

Does Hermonie and Ron kiss in Deathly Hallows part2?

Yes they do.

Does hermonie relize her true feelings in book 6?

For Ron? Yes

Who was with harry when he went to get the prophesy?

Ron and hermonie but they didnt hear the pophesy

Where can you find Hermione Granger?

Obviously in every Harry Potter series.