Postman Pat is a stop-motion animated show which was created in 1981 and aired on BBC1. Postman Pat is considered a rated G children's show, and continued on air until 2004. In many videos of Postman Pat there are swear words and those videos can be found on DVD or VHS from Amazon, or through a free watching site like YouTube.
Many different Postman Pat videos are on different websites. YouTube has lots of fan made and sometimes original videos of this series which can be considered funny. BBC's CBeebies website also has clips of Postman Pat.
The German translation for "Postman Pat" is "Postbote Pat".
postman pat
The duration of Postman Pat is 900.0 seconds.
postman pat
postman pat:)
Postman Pat's son's name is Julian.
postman pat is a we bit more famous
Mario is more famous than Postman Pat.
postman pat would be the most famous
The village where Postman Pat lives is called Greendale.
Postman Pat's black and white cat is called Jess.