Dick's Sporting Goods is a great place to purchase protective gear and tools such as mace. The prices range from the tiny price of $9.99 up to $29.99.
Mace is a brand of pepper spray and pepper spray's main ingredient is OC or oleoresin capsicum. The OC is derived from Cayenne peppers - some of the hottest peppers in the world. OC is a reddish-orange, oily liquid, insoluble in water. The OC agent is dispersed by the aerosol in a number of spray patterns depending on the model. Some Mace brands also include tear gas and all Mace have UV dye. UV dye helps police identify attackers who have been sprayed with Mace.
Mace Windu is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. Mace Windu did not have a wife in the films. He was considered the one of the best Jedi Masters.
the sergeant at arms carries the mace
James Mace died in 2004.
Mace Windu's current lightsaber is purple, his old one was yellow.
Yes. There are other brands other than Mace available, such as StreetWise pepper spray. You can purchase pepper spray from a local gun shop or pharmacist in NYC.
when you use mace spray there is a slim chance that the wind might blow the spray into your eyes or on your face.
Mace spray is legal in NJ.
Best thing to do is to just purchase Muzzle pepper spray, made by Mace. It is not as strong as the pepper spray for humans and will not permanently hurt the dog.
Mace pepper spray is available at many different places. Most sporting shops sell spray. Various Walmart stores also sell spray. Also auto repair shops sell mace pepper spray, as to protect oneself in the instance of carjacking.
Believe it or not, you can order it online from Walmart. It's less than $10, with several to choose from.
You can buy mace or pepper spray on the internet or at a gun shop. If you live in NY, you can buy pepper spray from a licensed pharmacist.
It is legal for a citizen to carry Mace pepper spray in Pennsylvania.
Yes, any pepper spray brand would be a substitute. Mace is just a brand name of pepper spray. There are other brands to pick from.
There is no difference.
Mace, also known as pepper spray, is legal for possession and use in Nebraska for self-defense purposes. It is important to note that there are restrictions on the size and potency of the spray, and it cannot be used for any unlawful purposes.
Mace pepper spray canisters have expiration dates. It is approximately good for 2 years.