Monster high
You can find a summary of the movie, Empire, at this link:
Check Netflix and Amazon for the movie.
I think that it is a large T-Rex because on the trailer when the grocery store clerk falls on the floor after the glass breaks I saw something before the glass broke, a large moving T-Rex in the corner. It would make up for the fact that the things in the movie could breake that big. But what about the cars floating and all the metal things floating too? I think that the monster was originally a human who was turned into a monster after being covered in some goop that he found at Area 51 while he was trying to breake out of prision. If you want to try and find out for yourself you can check out the Super 8 trailers and the editing room on the websites. You can see where I got my conclusions from.
You can find trailers on the movie site.
there is no such thing then the loch ness monster
You might (as many believe the Loch Ness Monster, commonly known as "Nessie" is a myth) find the Loch Ness Monster in Loch Ness, Scotland. This is where all the so called sightings of the monster are reported.
If Nessie exists then as Nessie is a short name for 'The Loch Ness Monster' you would allegedly find it living in Loch Ness.
In the Loch Ness lake.
Loch Ness
There are a number of websites dedicated to the myth of the Loch Ness Monster. These sites include Nessie, Loch Ness Mystery and Loch Ness Investigation.
"Nessie" is the nickname of the Loch Ness Monster, a mythical beast that supposedly lives in Loch Ness, Scotland. Sightings of the monster have occurred for many years at the loch.
Firstly there is said to be only one, and it is in the Loch in Scotland. The Loch is a large lakeits true i was in Scotland i thought i saw the Nessie i thougt it was my image-nation
The ultimate goal of the Loch Ness Investigation Bureau is to find solid, tangible evidence that the Loch Ness monster does or does not exist, and to release those findings to the public.
The Loch Ness Monster is said to reside in Loch Ness, a large lake located in Scotland.
Although some people have claimed to have seen the Loch Ness Monster, various scientific expeditions and surveys have failed to find any proof of its existence.