A: Jocelyn Deboer
Lauren Robertson
where can I find the Afrin Teddy bear head ad
I believe she is the one from Desp. House wives.
jimmy Fallon
Secrets by One Republic
Blue: Simon Nessman. Red: Jimmy Brighton Green: johnnie paxson Orange: Nathan Owens.
I've been researching it, but it looks like Lauren Bacall in the latest Weber Grills ad.
Lauren Robertson
A: Jocelyn Deboer
Lauren Robertson
One would think the originator of the ad would include contact information for you to reply with (?). If not, then there is possibly no way for you to find out "who" created the ad.
you can find an ad at uspca
Ad management software is available on many different platforms and made by many companies. One can find out more information about these types of softwares on their respective websites.
One is able to find experts in ad words marketing most accessibly online. Google happens to have an app dedicated to it called Google Ad works and other websites such as Vitruvian Way cater to ad words marketing.
You can find ad tracking services on the internet at the Competitrack website. Alternatively, you can also find Ad Tracking services at the Clickmeter website.