There is no William Burns in the show,we have only George Burns and his wife Gracie Allen
There are1,2,and3 degree burns
Finn Roburt Burns
Baden Burns is 5' 11".
Tom Burns - sociologist - died in 2001.
Minor burns may be treated at home or in a doctor's office.
Major burns should always be treated by a medical practitioner.
Critical, or major, burns are the most serious and should be treated in a specialized burn unit of a hospital.
Treatment of electrical burns varies depending on the severity of the burn and the amount of area that has been burned. Contact burns can be treated with cool compresses however more severe burns need to be treated in an emergency room to prevent infection.
Moderate burns may heal in 10-14 days and may leave scarring.
Third-degree burns are usually treated by means of a skin graft.
A number of herbal remedies, applied topically, can help mild burns heal.
Moderate to severe pain is treated with stronger opioid drugs, plus acetaminophen or NSAIDs.
Urgent care centers will treat minor and moderate burns that are not life threatening. Severe burns require specialized medical attention not found in an urgent care center.
The only "carbon dioxide burns" I am familiar with are those from handling dry ice. As such they are equivalent to "frostbite", i.e. they are a result of freezing tissue. They should be treated like frostbite. Very mild "burns" can be treated by gently warming the affected area and then bandaging it. More severe "burns" need a doctor's attention.
paracetamol to reduce intensity of fever
If it burns when you ejaculate, it is likely that you may have an infection in your genital tract. You need to get this evaluated and treated by a doctor.