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I read the manga at

It has several different mangas... But it has uptaded Naruto Manga (all the way from the beginning to recent Shippuden Updates.)

Good luck and happy reading!

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16y ago
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15y ago

You can read manga online at places like OneManga, MangaFox, and MangaVolume.

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14y ago

It is one many sites. All you really have to do is type in chobits manga online in Google and you shoud be able to find it. Some these sites include, and

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13y ago


~ see related link below .

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Q: Where Can You Read Chobits For Free?
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Where can you read whisper By Phoebe Kitanidis for free online?

you can read it on i dont know if you have to sign in to read but its free to sign in

Where can you find chobits episode 7 eng dub?

It's on the funimation channel at youtube.

How does chobits end?

It depends if you are talking about the anime or the manga. The anime ends when most of the guardians except for yaya are graduating to middle school and the guardians after that will be rikka, yaya, and hikaru

Where can you read Catching Fire online for free?

You can't legally read all of Catching Fire for free, however if you go to the hunger games website, through you can read the first two chapters for free.

What is chobits?

This is the summary of chobits................On his way home one evening, he stumbles across a persocom in the form of a beautiful girl with long hair, the colour of ivory lying against a pile of trash bags. He first thinks this to be a murder but, realizing she is a persocom, he carries her home. Upon turning it on, she instantly regards Hideki with adoration. The only word the persocom seems capable of saying is "chi", thus he names her Chi. Hideki assumes that there must be something wrong with her, and so Hideki's neighbor Hiromu Shinbo tries to analyze her with his mobile persocom Sumomo the following morning, and concludes that after Sumomo crashes that she must be custom made. Shinbo introduces him to Minoru Kokobunji, a twelve year old genius who specializes in the field of custom made persocoms. Minoru's persocoms, including Yuzuki, a fairly exceptional custom made persocom, are not able to analyze Chi either, and thus they conclude that she may be one of the Chobits, a legendary series of persocoms which are rumoured to have free will and emotions. Although this could be a possibility, Minoru is confident that it is only a rumour. Yuzuki also adds that she does not resemble any persocom model in any available database and so she must be custom made after all.

Related questions

When was Chobits created?

Chobits was created in 2002.

What episode was chobits haunted house?

episode 11 in chobits

When was Chi - Chobits - created?

Chi - Chobits - was created in 2001.

Where can you buy Chii's book The Town with no people?

Actually in the Manga of CHOBITS the book is titled 'The City With No People." It was indeed published after the release of Chobits, along with a read-along CD, but I am not sure where to find it. Check eBay, maybe.

Where can you read the chobits series online?

Check out sites like or, if you don't find it, Google, Chobits online manga and a whole listing of sites will pop up. Trust me, I know, I've done it too. ^_^

Is there a sequel to Chobits?


Is chobits going to come out in book form?

If you manga it already did about 6years ago if mean novel you might what to restate your question so somebody else doesn't answer in the same way I did. BTW you can find chobits in almost any online manga reader. Here's a link if that was what you were looking for Sincerely, Icban

Who is the author of chobits?


When was Chobits Character Song Collection created?

Chobits Character Song Collection was created on 2004-02-17.

How many episodes of Chobits are there?

About 26.

Is chobits a Japanese anime?


When is the third chobits book coming out?

the third book of chobits already came out. if you want to buy it, check a local book store or