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You will get your Hogwarts lettter on your 11th Birthday, but this will only happen if

1. Some weird things happen when you are angry or sad

2.Things happen that you can't explain

3. AND u must believe in trolls,goblins,dragons,and unicorns (and the tooth fairy)

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12y ago
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13y ago

Never, because Hogwarts doesn't exist. If it did exist, however, you would get it the year you turn eleven.

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The Hogwarts letter from Professor McGonagall is on page 51.

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If you received a letter, then you have to go to Diagon Alley to buy all the supplies you need. However, Diagon Alley and Hogwarts are (NOT) fictional.

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Ron Weasley received the howler at breakfast on the 2nd September 1992, the day after arriving at Hogwarts.

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Hogwarts doesn't exist, they have not sent you a letter which means it cannot be lost in the mail.

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If you were a wizard, an owl would have delivered you the letter.

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Since Hogwarts isn't real, obviously somebody else wrote the letter.

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If you received a letter, then you have to go to Diagon Alley to buy all the supplies you need. However, Diagon Alley and Hogwarts are fictional.

Who can apply for hogwarts?

You can't apply for Hogwarts you have to get a special letter by a owl through your chimney or other various ways of sending written letters

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Just keep waiting for your Hogwarts letter.....

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you receive a letter from hogwarts like Harry Potter did.