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They have already started, the movie comes out in november.

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Q: When will they start shooting the new moon movie?
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Where are they shooting the movie new moon?

They are shooting New Moon in Italy and in Washington, I believe. They are filming it in Portland and Italy.

Is new moon movie now started shooting?

at this moment it is in preproduction.

How long will Robert Pattinson be shooting new moon?

well. . .the movie will be coming out in November 2009

When will the New Moon movie poster be out?

Probably when the shooting is finished. 1 week after the movie turns popuular i lovee twilight!

When will Stephenie Meyer start the movie new moon?

Filming for New Moon will begin in March of 2009

When will they finish shooting the movie new moon?

they already did but its comin out in nov.20 and like they r editing it rite now....

Are they shooting new moon?

Yes the movie will be shot starting in march and willl be opened to the public in November 20 2009.

Is the new moon movie is more beautiful then twilight?

yeah they're going to be shooting in all the allies in Italy and it looks very beautiful

In the shooting of New Moon where is the setting?

it was fill-med in new Jersey

How much money is the movie New Moon making?

Its not out yet the actors start filming this month

Were will Taylor Lautner be on July 19-26?

shooting new moon

Is there auditions for New moon yet?

its too early to even start the casting for new moon wait until a month before the Twilight movie comes out then check again =]]