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I think it comes back September 21st.

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Q: When will haven come back on syfy?
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What is the location used for the town of Haven on thaT.V. show?

SyFy's Haven is taped in Nova Scotia, Canada.

What year did syfy channel come out?

1992 .

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When does the TV show Haven come back?

The show will come back on Sept. 2015.

What is the theme song for the syfy show haven?

please don't tell me short change hero-the heavy because it's not right

Has haven been renewed for season 3?

Yes Haven has been renewed for a 3rd season on the SYFY Network. It just aired it's second Season Finale. And no it has not been renewed or cancelled either.

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I am watching a movie on SyFy.

What channel is on syfy?

what channel is syfy on?

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Syfy is 61

When was Syfy created?

Syfy was created in 1992.

When will 'Merlin' Season 3 air in the US?

Merlin Season 3 will come out on January 7th 2010 on syfy. It was on a commercial on syfy. If you dont believe, fine then miss out or see for yourself.

What time does ecw come on?

10:00 pm to 11:00 pm on Tuesday night on syfy