Nobody really knows. but all of the signs point to a green light for the second season. the very last episode was just one huge cliff hanger and the words "THE NEXT STAGE IS...." proves that they want to continue. the only question is when...
There are too much rumors about this, they said that the second season is going to be aired on August but, in truth (official site info) they will not continue this series (at least not this year)... I know, its heartbreaking, but we still have the manga <3
From my opinion i think it does exist because the last episode of skip beat doesn't make sense. Will she find out the idenity of ren as corn? who will she end up with? So I'm sure everyone hope the animators will create a second season for us to ***enjoy***.
No, unfortunately there will not be a second season of Cheeky Angel
i believe there is a season 3 because i watched season 1 and 2 and when i watched season 2 episode 52 ( episode 52 is the last episode in season 2 ) at the end of it the evil girl named blue freed reyna ( reyna is the evil girl in season 1 ) I HOPE THAT ITS IN ENGLISH CAUSE IN SEASON 2 IT WAS ALL FRENCH AND GREEK SO YA I HOPE SO....
There is no Season 2 Episode 26. Episode 25 was the season finale.
There is no season 2 for emperor of the sea
in february
There is a high chance dat it will not come out though
No there will not be a second season because it ended with all of the characters passing on and being reincarnated. There is an ova though
Autumn 2012 In October
yes, after he gets killed in season 2 by Buffy, he comes back into it in season 3.
No, unfortunately there will not be a second season of Cheeky Angel
The second season was scheduled to go live in February, but February passed so I hope the second season will air next year
Yes it goes up to season 5
Season 2 Episode 11 Turn Left Ahead "You know Angel, if I got to choose a person, like a real person to be like, out of anyone, it'd be you" (Dexter, to Angel).
yes its gonna be out on february
when is season 2 of unatural history come out
At the end of season 2 when Angel and his team return from the alternate dimension.
Buffy met Angel in Season 1, which is when their relationship began. Their relationship progressed in Season 2, which is when I would say they fell in love.