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Mu Cephei, for all you uneducated people, is the 3rd largest star in the the universe, or that we know of. It is nearing death right now as you read this. it probably has only a few more 1000 years to live. Mu Cephei is a super giant star, so it is to big to explode into a supernova. It will probably explode into a hypernova, which is bigger than a supernova, or possibly into a meganova, which is bigger than a hypernova.

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Here are a few:T Cephei, VV Cephei, VY Canis Majoris, NML Cygni, WOH G64, and V059 Cassiopae. ... Mu Cephei, Mu Cephei A, ... There are certainly an extremely high number of stars that are bigger than Betelgeuse in the known universe alone.

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Like EVERY naked-eye star AND virtually every star that can be resolved with anything short of world class optics, mu Cephei is a member of our Milky Way galaxy.

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The distance to Mu Cephei is not well known, but the latest estimates place it at about 573 parsecs which equates to about 1,900 light years from us. There is a large element error in these observations.

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mu cephei is a red super giant star also known As Herschel's garnet star in the cepheus constellation . It's bigger than betelgeuse and smaller than vy cephei having approximately 1650 times Larger than our sun's solar radius . ( one solar radius is equal to the 6.955 into 10 raise to power 8 meter )

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