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We don't know The Bible doesn't say. Though not mentioned, she may have died in Numbers 10. When her brother, Hobab, most likely the head of Zipporah's family, visits Moses. We don't know his reason but probably to represent his family at Zipporah's funeral. He is hasty to depart to his family probably to comfort them, and he probably sees it as they are no longer apart of Moses' family though Zipporah and Moses' sons were still alive. Moses wants Hobab and Zipporah's family to travel with them to the Promised Land. With him saying this, we can interpret this as Moses wants his family to mourn together and he is reassuring him they are still apart of his family. Hobab probably agreed though not mentioned as the next words are " they departed from the mountain of God on a journey of three days.."

In Numbers 12:1, we learn Moses remarried to an unnamed Ethopian woman, who Miriam and Aaron bitterly hate.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Zipporah Feldman was born in 1891

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Zipporah Nawa died in 2007.

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