The Artist was the first silent movie to win Best Picture since Wings, the first Best Picture winner (1927-28).
The first film to get Oscar is Wings as per now knowledge. The awards were first given in 1929 at a ceremony created for the awards, at the Hotel Roosevelt in Hollywood. Over the years that the award has been given, the categories presented have changed; currently Oscars are given in more than a dozen categories, and include films of various types.
First production talkie- or sound film. this was by Warner Brothers who controlled the process, which made cartoons ( Bugs Bunny) and Newsreels live and vivid- and also a remote forerunner, process wise- of TV newcasting.
"Chicago," which was the first musical to win the Best Picture award since "Oliver!" (1968).The Academy Award for Best Picture of 2002 went to "Chicago." It was the first musical to be named Best Picture since "Oliver!" (1968).
First Bradford was created in 1998.
The First Picture of You was created in 1982.
put cube cat in cubisim and violin where all the violins are then you put the sunset picture with the ocean pictures and hikers in realisim
First Picture was created on 2006-12-01.
Walt Disney created the first annimated motion picture.
The first movie rating system was created by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) in 1968.
Picture Pages was created in 1974.
to create a picture of daily activities to tell stories of their lives.
His Picture was created on 1916-06-20.
A Picture of Her Tombstone was created in 1996.
Picture - band - was created in 1979.