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They were popular during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

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Q: When was the allemande and minuet popular?
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What does allemande mean in french?

Allemande is the feminine form of the adjective German. It is not capitalized, except when used as a noun to refer to a person.for example:la langue allemande -- the German languageJ'ai vu une Allemande (or, une femme allemande) dans ce café. -- I saw a German woman in that café.

Is minuet a direct object?

The word 'minuet' is a noun, a word for a type of ballroom dance; a word for a thing.A noun can function as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the direct or indirect object of a verb, and as the object of a preposition.Example uses:The minuet is not hard to learn. (subject of the sentence)The period that the minuet was most popular was the seventeenth century. (subject of the relative clause)Would you like to learn the minuet? (direct object of the verb 'learn')Would you like to give the minuet a try? (indirect object of the verb 'give')The musicians are practicing the music for a minuet. (object of the preposition 'for')The word 'minuet' is also a verb: minuet, minuets, minueting, minueted.

When was Mon village à l'heure allemande created?

Mon village à l'heure allemande was created in 1945.

What does allemande mean in music?

It means a German Dance like Bach's Allemande is music that the Germans used to dance to.

What is the definition of minuet?

A minuet is a style of dance.

What does allemande mean in music terms?

It means a German Dance like Bach's Allemande is music that the Germans used to dance to.

What is an allemande?

An allemande is an instrumental dance form in Baroque music, a standard movement of a suite, generally the first or second movement.

How many pages does Mon village à l'heure allemande have?

Mon village à l'heure allemande has 307 pages.

What are the ratings and certificates for Allemande im Herbst - 1962?

Allemande im Herbst - 1962 is rated/received certificates of: Belgium:KT

What is definition of minuet?

A slow, stately ballroom dance for two in triple time, popular especially in the 18th century.

What is Minuet to a Dane?

In Danish a minuet is a type of dance.

What is the opening section of a minuet known as?

minuet proper